Wednesday 18 March 2015

@TheEconomist tweeted: Here are this week's most popular images from our Instagram channel:

The Economist
Here are this week's most popular images from our Instagram channel:
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Nick Robinson
Sitting on sofa watching excellent live coverage of The Budget on BBC2 with @huwbbc @Jo_Coburn @BBCJLandale & @Peston. Wish I was there!
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ITV News
Join @alstewitn at 1215 for #itvnews #Budget2015 special: How will Osborne's plans affect you? Join us to find out.
ITV News
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Reuters Top News
Visitors from Italy, Germany, Poland and Spain among dead in attack on Tunisia's Bardo museum:
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Channel 4 News
On the front line of London's growing housing crisis - the estate which @rustyrockets is trying to save.
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Jeremy Vine
Seven law-abiding cyclists alongside me at this red light. One tosser. #LondonCycling
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