Tuesday 9 June 2015

Nick Robinson tweeted: What is Angela saying to Barak? Your thoughts please

Nick Robinson
What is Angela saying to Barak? Your thoughts please
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Jon Snow
HSBC TO BIG TO JAIL? See my Snowblog as HSBC's boss prepares to sack 25,000 of his workers: blogs.channel4.com/snowblog/
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Abū Idris' أبو إدريس
Sums up my day in a nutshell

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Comment is free
Oscar Pistorius may soon be out of prison. Should we really be surprised? gu.com/p/49jbv/stw
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Dan Wootton
I have the full story of Kate Moss' easyJet meltdown in @TheSunNewspaper
Read it here: thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/s…
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The Times of London
Should meat from animals that haven't been stunned be labelled? thetim.es/1JBDs1g
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