Tuesday 25 August 2015

Rory Cellan-Jones tweeted: Wouldn't UK regulators take dim view if companies released market sensitive data in the way @tim_cook did yesterday?

Followed by Breaking News UK, Andrew Rawnsley and Laura Kuenssberg.
Rory Cellan-Jones @ruskin147
Wouldn't UK regulators take dim view if companies released market sensitive data in the way @tim_cook did yesterday?
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Followed by Andrew Rawnsley, Evan Davis and Robert Peston.
Lord Ashcroft  @LordAshcroft
Something for the Labour Party to reflect on...
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Followed by Breaking News UK, Krishnan Guru-Murthy and Andrew Neil.
Sebastian Payne  @SebastianEPayne
The Corbyn effect specc.ie/1UaJV3M #labourleadership
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Followed by Musa Adnan.
Jme  @JmeBBK
Cookies for breakfast, early in the morrrrrning, cookies for breakfast, you can do youuuur ting
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Followed by Andrew Neil.
Watts Up With That @wattsupwiththat
If only Lewandowsky, Cook, Nuccitelli, Hayhoe and others could learn from their OWN mistakes… wattsupwiththat.com/2015/08/25/if-…
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