Saturday 2 July 2016

Akhy Zacky tweeted: This video by @AliDawow ft @immusaman and @MrAdnanRashid is awesome! The approach he took is defo the best

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Akhy Zacky
This video by @AliDawow ft @immusaman and @MrAdnanRashid is awesome! The approach he took is defo the best
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Douglas Carswell MP
The BBC responds to the suggestion it has been unrelentingly negative about the referendum result. You decide…
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Stephen Daisley
The Leader of Her Majesty's Opposition
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James Forsyth
Senior Tory MPs plot to bring rapid end to leadership contest and install new PM in days
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Sham Idrees
Sham Idrees does Froggy's Makeup
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Faisal Islam
Interesting on UK options for single Market access going forward - Norway, EFTA and the EEA:
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