Friday 7 July 2017

@AliDawah, see 17 new updates from @SkyNewsBreak, @MusaAdnan, and more

Updates you should see
Sky News Newsdesk
President Trump says he still wants Mexico to pay for the border wall after meeting Mexican president Enrique Pena Nieto at the G20 summit
  See 3 more from Sky News Newsdesk  
Okay I'm gonna start a marriage thread cause me and @NasserAlYarimi doing a video on how marriage reallly is after of course being married
  See 1 more from MUSA ADNAN  
BBC Breaking News
"It's an honour to be with you" - US President Donald Trump speaks after meeting with Russian leader Vladimir Putin
  See 1 more from BBC Breaking News  
Kay Burley
Good morning everyone. Friday's front pages incl no statue for Maggie & any #Brexit failure is all the media's fault
  See 3 more from Kay Burley  
Sky News
Six-year-old Bradley Lowery never let terminal cancer get in the way of his love of football
  See 4 more from Sky News  
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