Tuesday 28 November 2017

Gary Lineker Tweeted: Classy World Cup poster. So good he had 2 nicknames: The Black Panther & The Black Spider…

Your Highlights
Gary Lineker
Classy World Cup poster. So good he had 2 nicknames: The Black Panther & The Black Spider… instagram.com/p/BcCos66HsIs/
Al Jazeera English
Podcast 🎧: Motherhood and resistance in Palestine aje.io/q3qyt
Reuters Top News
Macron's promise of new France-Africa ties raises heckles reut.rs/2AeXH5N
Robbie Savage
Pleasure 👍🏻 twitter.com/TeamCrawfords/…
Elizabeth Warren on CFPB clash: Trump keeps choosing "big banks" over "working families" huffp.st/zS6NHX6
Stan Collymore
Excellent piece by Martin Samuel,and spot on.

Footballers used to grow up as fans with wallcharts, watching games, knowing the careers of players at all levels as a badge of honour.

Now, many don't even like the sport, just play it as they're good at it. twitter.com/robstewart_/st…
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