Wednesday 20 June 2018

The Times of London Tweeted: Shows like Monty Python that feature “s...

Your Highlights
The Times of London
Shows like Monty Python that feature "six Oxbridge white blokes" would not be commissioned by the BBC today, the corporation's head of comedy has admitted
CNN International
Hundreds of sea turtles have been getting caught in abandoned "ghost" nets -- so this hotel, and its guests, are helping them recover
Rupert Evelyn
NEW: #co2Shortage gets serious as Air Products confirm to @itvnews that customers with "welfare and safety" requirements will be prioritised. Some customers being told they may not get Co2 until 2nd July at the earliest. Air Products operating a "fair allocation" policy.
World Cup 2018
Senegal⁠ fans cleaning their section before leaving the stadium after their historic victory against Poland. This is class.

The best thing you will see today. 👏🇸🇳
Financial Times
In the Fade — saved by a star performance
The Economist
Nine articles on how refugees are treated by countries and what benefits they bring #WorldRefugeeDay👇
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