Thursday 3 September 2015

Brian Whelan tweeted: They were seeking safety and only found death: @lindseyhilsum reports on the refugee crisis in Europe

Followed by Kay Burley, Breaking News UK and Krishnan Guru-Murthy.
Brian Whelan  @brianwhelanhack
They were seeking safety and only found death: @lindseyhilsum reports on the refugee crisis in Europe
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Religion of Peace @reIigionofpeace
This Syrian child was born into war & died trying to escape it. His name: #AylanKurdi, only 3yrs old. #SyrianRefugees
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Followed by Kay Burley and Financial Times.
kadhim  @kadhimshubber
I don't usually write stuff like this, but I don't feel like I can stay silent…
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Followed by The Times of London and Jon Snow.
Lindsey Hilsum  @lindseyhilsum
Refugees holding sign on train held at Bicske station.#hungary
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Jeremy Vine  @theJeremyVine
We are talking about this terrible photo today. Don't know if it's good or bad that we can't show it on the radio.
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