Wednesday 16 September 2015

James Delingpole tweeted: Charlotte Proudman speaks; makes the "Is it safe?" torture scene in Marathon Man look like Wonder Pets

Followed by Evan Davis and Andrew Neil.
James Delingpole @JamesDelingpole
Charlotte Proudman speaks; makes the "Is it safe?" torture scene in Marathon Man look like Wonder Pets…
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Followed by Andrew Rawnsley and Financial Times.
Slate  @Slate
Unsurprisingly, Stevie Wonder and James Corden make a brilliant karaoke team:
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Nick Robinson  @bbcnickrobinson
Fullest yet quietest Commons chamber for very very long time. Many MPs look utterly bemused by Jeremy Corbyn's new low key style at #PMQs.
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Followed by Daily Express, Laura Kuenssberg and The Times of London.
Lord Sugar  @Lord_Sugar
The brain surgeons publushers delivering 1000 of my new books for me to sign can't even get the authors name right
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Followed by Breaking News UK, Andrew Rawnsley and Andrew Neil.
Guardian politics  @GdnPolitics
Snap verdict on #Corbyn's #PMQs performance from @AndrewSparrow
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Followed by Andy Robinson and Daily Express.
Dermot O'Leary  @radioleary
Will miss spending time with this rascal. What a man.
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