Friday 4 September 2015

Jon Laurence tweeted: Watch: powerful @DMiliband interview with @jonsnowC4 #dyingtogethere

Followed by ITV News, Channel 4 News and Jon Snow.
Jon Laurence  @jonlaurence
Watch: powerful @DMiliband interview with @jonsnowC4 #dyingtogethere
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Kay Burley  @KayBurley
Morning @YodelOnline, remember how we talked about this and you said you'd get back to me A WEEK AGO
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Followed by Jeremy Vine and Andrew Neil.
The Staggers @TheStaggers
We need to talk about the real cause of the #refugeecrisis: climate change:…
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Followed by Kay Burley, Martha Kearney and Daniel Finkelstein.
Michael Deacon  @MichaelPDeacon
Today my dad retires, after 30 years as the gardener at this National Trust property in Edinburgh
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Followed by Daniel Finkelstein and The Telegraph.
Stephen Bush  @stephenkb
When Corbyn wins, he's going to need better wonks than he's got at the moment, as @JolyonMaugham shows here:…
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ITV News  @itvnews
Do you support #refugeeswelcome? Yvette Cooper, Natalie Bennett & Liz Kendall do. Post your pics to us here @itvnews
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