Sunday 18 June 2017

@AliDawah, see 20 new updates from @Robbo_On_Area9, @Shamidrees, and more

Updates you should see
Andy Robinson
There be a whale !!!! Nice catch from Lee and son Ben
  See 10 more from Andy Robinson  
Sham Idrees
#PAKvIND It's sad how everyone is trashing each other over cricket. I really wish tomorrow the team who wins spreads Love rather than Hate
  See 2 more from Sham Idrees  
Sky News Newsdesk
The Government has announced there will be a minute's silence at 11am on Monday in tribute to the victims of the Grenfell Tower fire
  See 1 more from Sky News Newsdesk  
BBC Breaking News
London Mayor Sadiq Khan: #GrenfellTower disaster follows "years of neglect" by council and successive governments
  See 1 more from BBC Breaking News  
BBC News (UK)
Live updates as Nick Paget-Brown, leader of Kensington and Chelsea council, faces questions on @BBCRadio4…
  See 1 more from BBC News (UK)  
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