Tuesday 6 June 2017

@AliDawah, see 35 new updates from @SkyNewsBreak, @BBCBreaking, and more

Updates you should see
Sky News Newsdesk
Two of London Bridge attackers have been named by Scotland Yard as Khuram Shazad Butt and Rachid Redouane - both from Barking in east London
  See 2 more from Sky News Newsdesk  
BBC Breaking News
People across the UK fall silent to remember the victims of the #LondonAttacks

  See 10 more from BBC Breaking News  
Sky News
Actor Peter Sallis who voiced Wallace in Wallace and Gromit has died aged 96
  See 3 more from Sky News  
BBC News (UK)
#GE2017 polls show Tory lead narrowing - @theJeremyVine examines this & the 2015 result

  See 11 more from BBC News (UK)  
Daily Mail Online
Police clear the streets around Notre Dame Cathedral following 'gunshots' dailym.ai/2qTq5Dd
  See 2 more from Daily Mail Online  
The Independent
How to watch Comey's testimony on Thursday ind.pn/2qWvUUg
  See 1 more from The Independent  
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