Thursday 15 June 2017

@AliDawah, see 42 new updates from @AliDawow, @BBCBreaking, and more

Updates you should see
Ali dawah
Look who I've upset lol. He tracks down every1 except me, the face of a coward who spreads lies and hatred. But I'm on his case 😎👌.
  See 2 more from Ali dawah  
BBC Breaking News
"Unknown numbers" of people in #GrenfellTower; rescuers don't expect to find anyone alive - London fire commissioner
  See 13 more from BBC Breaking News  
The Times of London
Grenfell Tower fire tragedy timeline: "They shouted out help me, help me... then I watched the flames engulf them"
  See 1 more from The Times of London  
BBC News (UK)
Humraz Khan rushed to help as the London fire raged. He was awake because of Ramadan and filmed what he saw
  See 14 more from BBC News (UK)  
Channel 4 News
'If it wasn't for all these young Muslim boys round here helping...more people would have died.' Muslims praised for #GrenfellTower support.
  See 1 more from Channel 4 News  
Laura Kuenssberg
No 10 confirms inquiry will be led by a judge
  See 5 more from Laura Kuenssberg  
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