Friday 15 May 2015

BBC Question Time tweeted: .@DrBrianMay says the Labour party should look to its past for its future. #bbcqt

BBC Question Time
.@DrBrianMay says the Labour party should look to its past for its future. #bbcqt
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Servant of Allah
Salaam! :D There's some really beautiful Apps out there - make sure not to miss out :) also let me know your faves :)
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Look on the bright side though.. @omgAdamSaleh is back on Twitter 😅👏🏽
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Douglas Carswell
Arron Banks describes its single MP Douglas Carswell as 'duplicitous' - Telegraph…
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Spectator Health
Prince Charles's letters reveal the extent of his lobbying for dangerous 'alternative medicine'
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BBC This Week
Time to get the flags out?

#bbctw prepares for first programme since #ge2015

And better news, it's not on next Thu!
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