Friday 8 May 2015

@bbcnickrobinson tweeted: Hope voice didn't distract too much. Thanks for all tips & recipes. It's not merely a sore throat but getting better fast. Keep watching.

Nick Robinson
Hope voice didn't distract too much. Thanks for all tips & recipes. It's not merely a sore throat but getting better fast. Keep watching.
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C4 News FactCheck
How would proportional representation change the #GE2015
balance of power, asks @FactCheck:
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Total Politics
Ken Livingstone says Labour should keep Ed Miliband as leader and not go down a 'Blair road'
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BBC News (UK)
"I'm sorry" but "I will never give up on the Britain I believe in" - Labour leader, @Ed_Miliband resigns #GE2015
BBC News (UK)
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Kay Burley
Unpack that cat food and open the damn door - via @bbcnickrobinson
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DailySunday Politics
"Can I just say that Prof John Curtice is a genius, and his exit polls in 2010 and 2015 were works of accuracy, art and authority" @afneil
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