Wednesday 13 May 2015

Daily Mirror tweeted: Exclusive: @andyburnhammp confirms he will stand for #Labourleadership

Daily Mirror
Exclusive: @andyburnhammp confirms he will stand for #Labourleadership…
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Krishnan Guru-Murthy
Wow! Watch: @MichaelLCrick asks Prince Charles: "are you worried about these letters?"
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Sheikh Akbar
Smileee :)
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Robert Peston
If Bank of Eng had said during election that disproportionate new jobs are low skilled & low output, what impact?…
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Reuters UK
Prince Charles' letters to ministers finally made public. Read more: #BlackSpiderMemos
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Jamie Angus
Great from @DanHannanMEP on the danger for the Left on listening too much to social media
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