Wednesday 6 May 2015

@guardian tweeted: One day to go … here's the latest projection. Live coverage: #GE2015

The Guardian
One day to go … here's the latest projection. Live coverage: #GE2015
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ITV News
Watch: Farage hits back at heckler for 'not knowing his facts' after he calls him a a banker…
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The Times of London
Europe faces an obesity crisis of 'enormous proportions' in 15 years with the UK set to fall
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Election 2015: It wasn't meant to be like this - BBC News
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The Economist
Join a Q&A event on the future of the 'blue economy' this Thursday at 1pm BST
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Andrew Neil
Tomorrow's front pages show British press at partisan worst. All pretence of separation between news and opinion gone, even in "qualities".
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