Tuesday 12 May 2015

@jonsnowC4 tweeted: Lots of you asked for a video explaining #TTIP. So here it is.

Jon Snow
Lots of you asked for a video explaining #TTIP. So here it is.
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Nick Robinson
Govt goes to war with BBC? Eden, Wilson, Thatcher, Blair did. Should be a book about it. Oh...(Used copies just 1p!) pic.twitter.com/rzFEgDAiCg
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Daniel Finkelstein
Everyone assumes that as John Whittingdale called the licence fee 'a poll tax" this is bad for the BBC. But didn't he support the poll tax?
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John Rentoul
Jonathan Powell wrong about Fixed-term Parl: Tory maj can repeal Act or pass no confidence in itself for early elec pic.twitter.com/EZdFvpjTzN
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Gaby Hinsliff
Prince Harry is basically the new Jennifer Aniston
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Tim Reid
SNP first parliamentary group meeting underway to choose Westminster leader (and new exec) though seems little doubt
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