Monday 11 May 2015

@KTHopkins tweeted: I am feeling very smug @theJeremyVine

Katie Hopkins
I am feeling very smug @theJeremyVine…
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Tonight #Panorama is live from Westminster as @theJeremyVine hosts a special post-election debate 8.30 BBC1
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Nick Robinson
No regrets for praising @_EdBalls when he lost his seat. Time people learnt not to hate those they disagree with…
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Nigel Farage
UKIP's National Executive has rejected my resignation as leader. Please see my Facebook page for the full statement:…
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Nigel Farage: Why I decided I had to stay on as Ukip leader
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The Times of London
#FarageUnresigns after party's national executive committee to reject his resignation (Getty)
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